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We are Avico

Avico stands for expertise and specialization. We will never be a generalist company that caters to all your needs. Instead, we excel where we can make a substantial difference in your workplace.

Avico started in 1971 and is one of many specialized brands within the Rahmqvist Group.

More about Rahmqvist
Full rahmqvistphilosophy

Our philosophy

We have grown since the start, but we stay true our philosophy: to give you the best solutions for your needs, we need to spend time with you at your workplace and fully understand your challenges. This way we help you create a more fun, more efficient and more sustainable workday.

Full rahmqvisttrueauthenticity

You can't fake authenticity

No single solution fits all your needs. Through our field work, we tailor unique solutions just for you. In order for you to get the most out of your solution, we help you with installation and education. Rahmqvist is a family company with independent brands, all with a unique touch and expertise.

Full miljologgor24

More than just a choice of materials

The key to sustainability is to get away from the wear and tear mentality that exists today. We created our first environmental policy already in 1983 and were first in Sweden to ISO-certify us for both environment ISO 14001 and quality ISO 9001. We have also signed the UN Global Compact, where we demand that all our suppliers comply with the UN's ten principles on human rights, labor law issues, the environment and anti-corruption.

Our environmental work in practice

We review all our products and exclude those who do not meet our high standards. We are continuously making our transports more efficient and environmentally friendly and avoid air freight. In addition, we climate-compensate our entire company car fleet. We make it easy for you to make sustainable choices with our own environmental label Rahmqvist Green Choice that we label our environmentally friendly products with. We also have a quality label to highlight exceptionally durable products for use over a long period of time and that are on the opposite end of the wear and tear products on the market.

"If we didn’t meet and talk to people on a daily basis at Sweden’s many workplaces, how would we be able to understand their needs and then create products that simplify their work?"

Eric and Signe Rahmqvist - founders of Rahmqvist, 1953

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